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Delivery Tracking

Easily track your deliveries with the Delivery Tracking & Recording application designed for a wide range of Android & Windows mobile devices.

Keep the records you need for your deliveries including: the package number; recipient name; delivery date & time; POD signature; and any delivery issues.  If your device has GPS functionality then this can also be used to record the co-ordinates of the location.

alt=""Scan packages using the built-in barcode scanning functionality of your hardware.  This will populate the data grid so you can see all deliveries per customer at a glance. Enhance and streamline your workflow with this simple Delivery Tracking application.

*All of our mobile software applications are fully customisable to suit customer requirements.

Application Features of the Delivery Tracking System:


System Requirements:

Delivery Tracking applications can be used in conjunction with Mobile Sales & Order Picking to provide a complete logistical solution.  All our software solutions are compatible with popular accounts software packages such as Sage & Pegasus and common databases like SQL or Access.

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Check out our other Warehouse Management Software systems.